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Ethical Voices Podcast: Real Ethics Stories from Real PR Pros

Nov 30, 2020

Kelly Davis, the Public Relations Sequence Head at the University of South Carolina, discusses a number of important issues, including:

1) How to avoid landmines and understand the fine lines in public affairs and lobbying

2) How can nonprofits ethically get their message out when faced with well-funded opponents?


Nov 16, 2020

Joining me on this week's episode is Ron Culp, the director of the Public Relations and Advertising Masters Program at DePaul University.

Ron discusses a number of important topics, including:

1) What to do when asked to make absurd and misleading claims

2) Why PR professions need the industry to have their back


Nov 9, 2020

Helio Fred Garcia, President of Logos Consulting Group discusses a number of important ethics issues including:

1) When and where do you draw the ethical line?
2) How structures and clear protocols make courage less necessary in ethical dilemmas
3) What can we learn from Bernays’ definition of public relations?

Nov 2, 2020

Neil Foote, the CEO of Foote Communications, and the President of the National Black Public Relations Society, discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) Why identifying an ethics problem is not enough

2) The power of truth, without embellishment, to drive ethical action

3) How to fight misinformation...