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Ethical Voices Podcast: Real Ethics Stories from Real PR Pros

Apr 27, 2020

Anne Green, a principal and managing director at G&S Business Communications, discusses a number of important ethical issues including:

1) How to handle ethical pressure to fudge numbers
2) Where to find engaging, compelling ethics training and why it matters
3) How to ethically fight back against disinformation

Apr 20, 2020

Marcy Massura, the CEO of MM & Company. discusses client dishonesty, Wikipedia, PR super powers and how they are misused and inherent ethical biases in the social media infrastructure.

Specifically she addresses:

Apr 13, 2020

Ethics and political communication. It is an essential topic, but one that is not often discussed. Joining me on this week's episode is Peter Loge, Associate Professor of Media and Public Affairs, and director of the project on ethics and political communication at George Washington University to discuss:

1) What are...

Apr 6, 2020

Ken Jacobs, ACC, CPC, an experienced consultant and certified coach shares his insight on a number of ethics topics including:

1) How to handle abusive clients
2) How to best handle conflicts of interest
3) The difference between coaching and consulting