Dec 12, 2022
Rebecca Wilson, the Executive Vice President International for WE Communications International provides a great overview of the 2022 Brands in Motion Study and what it means for ethical communicators, including:
1) Addressing the diversity quota dilemma and tokenization
2) How many companies are delivering on their...
Dec 5, 2022
Brian Peterson, the principal of Greater Life Communications, discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:
1) How respect can effectively address unethical situations
2) The ethical threat of incivility
3) How public relations professionals are failing and what we can do
4) The need for a culture of kindness
Nov 7, 2022
We're doing something a little bit different this week. I spoke with Technology Journalist Scott Tharler about:
1) The ethics of press trips
2) The ethics of reviews and selling products you review
3) The ethics of affiliate links
Oct 24, 2022
Sandy Young, the vice president of J. Walcher Communications, discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:
1) What to do ethically when a reporter wants to showcase a vulnerable person
2) How to handle PR with asylum seekers
3) How to help people understand “No” is an option
4) The ethics of how we are...
Oct 17, 2022
Ethan McCarty, the founder and CEO of Integral, an award-winning employee activation agency, shares some great ethics insights including:
1) The ongoing ethical challenge of creating shared beliefs
2) Ethical issues with creating your own echo chamber
3) Ethical perils in personalizing employee communications
4) The...